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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Do Your Research

I thought I would make a quick post on how important it is to steer far from impulse buys, do your research, and be fully prepared before you take in your duckling.

Everything from behavior to nutrition to housing requirements should be known to the best of your ability.  Confidence in your ability to take care of this animal of prey goes a long way and is key to your success as a companion and your duckling's ability to thrive and be happy.  When someone tells you taking in a bird is a commitment, don't take it for granted.  A duck relies on its flock and wings for survival.  Since most domesticated ducks haven't the ability to fly, that leave us.  Ducklings, especially, get extremely upset when they are without you.  In the wild, if mom isn't around, it's likely the death of him/her.  After taking in a duckling, you must respect that they are a prey animal.  .  The way they imprint on us is no joke.  If you have the slightest feeling that the excitement of getting a duckling will wear off, or that you simply won't have enough time for him/her in the future, then getting a house duck probably isn't for you. We made the decision to bring them into our lives.... we owe it to them to abide by that commitment and truly BE be their life-long companion.  Having everything prepared far ahead of time, and being armed with knowledge to care for Cheyenne has made all the difference in making this a pleasant experience for the both of us.
A wealth of information can be found in the Files link and threads at Pet Ducks R Us and on various hatchery blogs.
Happy Researching! 
(  ')>

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