I had the intention of getting a female Welsh Harlequin duck, but when we pulled up at Metzer Farms, a baby boy was in the process of hatching just then and there weren't any females. My options were either to go home empty handed after 6 hours of driving, wait for a female for two weeks to be delivered knowing it would have imprinted on ducks by then, or bring home the boy. Knowing males can be a bit more of a challenge, I still opted for the boy (which I originally wanted... they're gorgeous! Similar to a mallard) and off we went. Donegal spent the whole ride home in my pocket as happy as could be. It's early to really tell... but I chose a Welsh Harlequin based off of their said calm nature. So far that seems to hold true in comparison to other ducklings I've known. He is so laid back and happy. Not stressed in the least for any reason! I'm sooooooooo happy I was able to get him fresh from the egg. So fresh they had to clean him before handing him over. lol. I wasn't so fortunate with Cheyenne and even she turned out amazing.
Sorry to cut this short, but I really want to throw on the DVR, throw him in my pocket, and cuddle for the rest of the night. More pics to come!

P.S. I payed off Cheyenne's vet bill yesterday. I miss her dearly. But It comforts me knowing this this truly is the right time for a new baby. It's good to be MamaDuck again.
MamaDuck is back! I am so glad you have Donegan.